Ms Renu Gihar (RG), MD of OilGas News Marine Publications FZE in Association with Oilfield Directory.AE speaking to
Undersecretary of Energy, UAE, HE Dr Matar Hamed Al Neyadi

(RENU GIHAR) RG : Welcome, Dr Matar Hamed Al Neyadi, Undersecretary for The Ministry of Energy, United Arab Emirates (UAE) thank you for your time. Born and educated in the UAE, Bachelor's degree from the UAE University, then on to Scotland and a Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) What drew you to studying in Edinburgh? Could not possibly have been the weather?
Dr Matar Hamed Al Neyadi: Of course not the weather. After my Graduation from the Faculty of Law in the UAE University, I joined the UAE Armed Forces as a Legal Adviser. In 1992 I was sent to UK to study for Masters Degree in Law. I applied to a Number of UK Universities, one of them being Edinburgh. Owing to some successes in Law School, University of Edinburgh, I was admitted into their M Phil Program. This program is a Master by Research, with the possibility for upgrade into the Ph.D, dependent on very good results and a recommendation from the Authorities. I really liked the Program and having satisfied all the requirements I was admitted into the Faculty as a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Public International Law, from which I Graduated in 1997. Thereafter, I returned as Legal Advisor to the UAE Armed Forces. During the course of my employ, I developed my skills as a Negotiator, and at drafting of Laws and Agreements. In 2011, I had my book published in Law of Treaties, reflecting my 12 year's experiences.
RG : Your book is " The Rules of International Treaties in General International Law" by Dr Matar Hamed Al Neyadi.
RG : Who inspired you most; as a child growing up, as a young adult?
Dr M : As a child I was inspired by my late father and his determination to succeed, and as a young adult, I was inspired by most late Sheikh Zayed, the founder of the UAE and his determination to change towards the better life for his people, his determination to overcome any difficulty and his determination to build the UAE image.

RG : You are now the Undersecretary for the Ministry of Energy, UAE. Briefly, the key aspects of your portfolio are overseeing the best interest of the UAE(and surrounding areas) with regards to water, electricity, oil, pollution and global warming. Please elaborate...?
Dr M : All of these are interconnected in different aspects. Let me first start with the Water and Electricity. We have 4 Providing Authorities within the UAE that are responsible for generating and distributing water, electricity. The Ministry, as a Federal Entity, works in co-ordination with these 4 Authorities to form the UAE position at international level, at the same time representing our country in the GCC Interconnection Authority and other GCC Meetings. The Ministry, working with these 4 Authorities, and other energy stakeholders within the UAE to draft energy policy for our Nation. In addition the Ministry has signed a number of Memoranda of Understanding(MOU) with other countries in order to share experiences and best practice. WE believe these MOU will have positive effect on the energy sector within the UAE.
In respect of Oil and Gas the Ministry represents the oils sector at OPEC and OAPEC. In the Gas sector, we represent our Country at the Gas Forum (GECF).
Further, the Ministry attaches a great importance to conservation and energy efficiency, we believe it is the first source of energy. Throughout the Ministry, we are working very closely with other Government Departments to contribute to our unified goal of placing our UAE as the leading nation on the Energy Map. In fact, yesterday, we have announced the Ministry's intention of preparing 'The State of Energy Report for the UAE' This Report will document all the many UAE success stories and other initiatives in the energy sector. We hope that by publishing this report, by the end of this year, to provide a good example for other nations to follow, and copy if they wish.
RG : A scenario of approximately 25 % of the Emirati population are between 8 and 18 years old, will become consumers/providers over the next 10 years, as working adults. All this required infrastructure build, along with commercial expansion, will retain the foreign expat population, for years to come.
Dr M : UAE is an open society. Tolerance, harmony and acceptance of all people regardless of where they come from, make UAE an attractive destination for living and working. Foreign expats are contributing to build a nation and the UAE provides them with opportunities to achieve their aspirations of better lives
RG : UAE has around 8 % of the world's oil reserves, and given that there always seems at all times, to be at least two of the Oil exporting countries having unrest/warring conflicts. How do you see the UAE's role in World Oil Markets?
Dr M : UAE is a responsible country and believes in a stable international market that will benefit everybody. For that, where there is a need to step-in, the UAE will not hesitate, within it's production capacity. An example was in 2011, where Japan required more cargo, after it closed it's nuclear reactors.

RG : Is there any message you would like to send to our Entrepreneurs from the Ministry of Energy?
Dr M : Come for more investment and transfer of know-how in the Energy sector of the UAE. the UAE with its excellent infrastructure can be a Regional base for developing a lot of initiatives.
Ms Renu Gihar : Thank you for agreeing to do this interview, I am grateful for the opportunity of talking to you.